How to Prevent the Coronavirus by Disinfecting Your Home

The coronavirus known as COVID-19, A germs that cause colds and flu, is becoming more and more of a concern. Expert of taking extra steps to keep your home free of germs, not only to prevent illness but also to keep it from spreading of someone is already sick.

Based in research coronavirus is generally transmitted when an infected person produces respiratory droplets that can affect someone nearby, usually within six feet.

For more information about how to protect yourself in public places and at home, the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and other organizations have published guidelines for preventing the spread of the coronavirus.

“It is also possibly transmitted through indirect transmission, where the virus is deposited on a surface, people touch the surface and then their mouth, nose or eyes.”

COVID-19 is Not Your Every Day Virus

Dr. Laura Greci Cooke, a board-certified internist, used a disinfect wipes to clean the kitchen counter tops, drawer pulls, appliance handles, phones and TV remotes. She also disinfecting in her steering wheel, pens and computer keyboard. Throughout the day, she frequently washing her hands with soap and water and use plenty of hand sanitize. She’s Carefully coughs in her elbow.

Dr. Cooke doesn’t do this to help prevent the spreading of the corona virus. She always follows the routine to stop a range of viruses, as well as pathogens that transmit disease. “I describe the routine that 80 percent is extremely clean. There are probably people who do more than I do. But I hope it’s effective.”

The routine describe that the preventive measures recommended by the CDC and the World Health Organization. The CDC recommended, mix ¼ cup of chlorine bleach with one gallon of cool water. They also advise using products that say “disinfectant” on the label and include an EPA registration number. These disinfectants are required to meet government specifications for safety and effectiveness.

Some products, such as bleach and bleach-based cleaners, typically not recommended by Outstanding Cleaning, have shown effectiveness against viruses similar to the coronavirus. White vinegar is an alternative that has also shown effectiveness against viruses similar to COVID-19. The key words here are similar viruses.

Bleach, vinegar and other disinfectants kill coronavirus germs that cause colds and the flu. But there isn’t enough evidence yet to determine if these disinfectants are effective against the COVID-19 strain. According to Brian Sansoni from the American Cleaning Institute, it’s likely the products are still effective, but companies can’t say so directly.